Motorcycle Maintenance

When you’re riding a motorcycle, the last thing you want to do is break down in the middle of an intersection or on the open road! Regular motorcycle maintenance and checks can help prevent unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs.

Specific maintenance needs and intervals will vary, depending on the make, model, and usage of your motorcycle. But some general motorcycle maintenance tips are listed below.

Motorcycle Oil And Oil Filter
Engine oil lubricates, cools, and cleans the internal components on your motorcycle. Check and replace the engine oil and oil filter at the intervals recommended by the manufacturer. These can vary from every 2,000 miles to every 10,000 miles, depending on manufacturer recommendations, the type of oil you use, the make and model of your motorcycle, how you ride, and the conditions in which you ride.

Motorcycle Air Filter
Check the air filter on your motorcycle, and make sure that it’s clean and doesn’t have any obstructions. Replace your air filter when it becomes dirty or as often as the manufacturer recommends.

Motorcycle Chain Or Belt
Inspect your motorcycle chain or belt for wear and proper tension. Lubricate the chain with appropriate motorcycle chain lube.

Motorcycle Brakes
Check your motorcycle’s brake pads and discs for wear. Replace them if they’re worn beyond the recommended limits. Also, inspect your brake fluid and replace it if it’s dark or discolored.

Motorcycle Tires
Check tire pressure regularly and maintain it at the recommended levels. Before you hop on your bike, inspect your motorcycle tires for cuts, punctures, and signs of wear, and make sure that you have adequate tread depth.

Motorcycle Battery
Check the terminals on your motorcycle battery for corrosion, and clean them if needed. Ensure that your battery can hold a charge, and replace it when it comes old or weak.

Motorcycle Lights And Other Electrical Components
Regularly inspect all of the lights on your motorcycle (headlights, taillights, and turn indicators), and replace bulbs that aren’t working. Also, check your horn, and other electrical components.

Motorcycle Coolant
Inspect the coolant level on your motorcycle, and top it up if necessary. Flush and replace the coolant at the regular intervals that are recommended by the manufacturer.

Motorcycle Suspension
Check for any leaks or signs of wear on the forks and rear shocks on your motorcycle. Ensure that they’re operating smoothly.

Motorcycle Spark Plugs
Replace the spark plugs on your motorcycle at the manufacturer’s recommended intervals, or if they’re dirty or worn.

Motorcycle Cables
Inspect the throttle, clutch, and brake cables on your motorcycle for signs of wear or fraying. Lubricate them periodically to help ensure that they move smoothly.

Motorcycle Fuel System
Check for any leaks (gas that might be dripping from your motorcycle), and use fuel stabilizers if you’re planning to store your bike for an extended period of time.

General Inspection Of Your Motorcycle
As part of a general inspection of your motorcycle, look for any loose bolts, nuts, or parts, and tighten and replace them. Also, inspect the frame of your motorcycle for any signs of cracks or damage.

Storing Your Motorcycle
If you plan to store your motorcycle for a period of time, or you know you won’t be riding it for awhile,  add a fuel stabilizer to your gas tank and disconnect the battery!

See related topics:
Emergency Tools And Parts Kits For Motorcycles
Motorcycle Parts
Motorcycle Repairs
Motorcycle Accessories